The view of Camel's Hump from the walking trails

Shelburne Farms Legacy Circle

We are deeply grateful to the growing circle of caring friends who have included Shelburne Farms in their estate plans. The Shelburne Farms Legacy Circle honors the vision and generosity of Derick Webb whose bequest in 1984 gave the land and historic buildings to the nonprofit educational organization. Derick was the first of many thoughtful and generous legacy donors. You are invited to join our Legacy Circle.

​​​​​​​Shelburne Farms Legacy Circle Members

Anonymous (15)

Craig & Charlotte Addison

Julia Alvarez & Bill Eichner

Ron Awde & Robert Ertel

Meredith & David Babbott*

Bob & Bonnie Baird

Fred & Christine Bay

Bob & Lee Bickford*

Audrey & Bart Blaner

Selma Bloomberg*

Jane Boisvert & Dana Twitchell

Theodore F. & Donald A.* Boniface

Barbara Boyd*

Bob & Joan Britt

Judy Brook

Hope Brown

Paul A. Bruhn*

Tom Cabot

Jake Callery

Joel Cauley*

Maurilio & Cristina Cipparone

Mrs. David H. Clement*

Bill Coon

Kitty & Allan* Coppock

Thomas Daniels

Lois D'Arcangelo

Jim Davis

Staige & Sarah Davis

Andy & Birgit Deeds

Jennifer DuBois

Chloe & Adam Durant

Richard & Madeleine Erdman

Richard Eyre

Bonnie Ferro

Elizabeth Ferry

Patricia Fontaine

Larry & Anne Forcier

Frances Foster

Naomi Fukagawa & Richard Galbraith

Frederica Gamble

Marc & Rebecca Gamble

Mary Jane & Stokes Gentry*

Carolyn Goodwin Kueffner

Gregory B. Peters Trust

Eileen & Paul Growald

Dieter W. & Valerie P.* Gump

Kitty Harris*

Mr. & Mrs. Hebard+

Richard & Susan Hermann

Gerald & Virginia Hornung+

Tom Hudspeth & Ginny Mullen

Theresa Hyland & Rick Stoner

Willard & Carolyn Jackson

Cheryl Jenkins

Sally Johnson*

Steve & Paula Johnson

Sue Dixon & Dave Jonah

Charlie & Adrea Kofman

Gale Lawrence*+

Sheila Lawrence*

Aline & Pat Leclaire

Timothy Lobdell

Pat Howard & Don Logan

Rosalie Lombard

Rick & Darci Lunt

Gordon MacFarland

Karen & Carl Maklad

Ken & Susie Mandelbaum

Patricia Mardeusz

David & Lucy Marvin

Anne Massey & Anne Stright

Barbara & Joe Mautz

Bruce Miller

Rolf Diamant & Nora Mitchell

Emily & Paul Morrow+

Shirley Murray*

Casey Murrow

Marilyn Webb Neagley

Gail & Bob Neale

Charlotte Newton

Lisa Newton

Meg O'Donnell & Patricia Orr

Patricia O'Donnell & Jim Donovan

John Pane & Elizabeth Bassett+

Anne Pardee

Pat Parsons*

Candis Perrault*

Angelo Pizzagalli

Pat Reasoner+

Linda Retchin

Anne & Robert Robertson

Charles Ross, Jr.

Lili Ruane

Sally Sample

Robert & Allene Alfred Sayre

Deborah Schapiro & Louis Polish

Kate Jennings Seemann*

Alexis Server and Holly Rotalsky

Tracey Shamberger 

Catessa Simon

Clyde & Elizabeth Smith*

Nia Spongberg & Mollie McDermott

Lisa Steele

Peter & Margie Stern

Charlotte Stetson

Carol Stevens

Mary E. Stewart*

Ike & Katrina Stokes*

David* & Landon Storrs

Hilary Sunderland

Julie Taylor

Sarah Tischler

Sarita Van Vleck

Lola Van Wagenen & George Burrill

Jean T. Walsh*

Mary Jane Washburn

Kirk & Jacqueline Weaver 

Alec Webb & Megan Camp

W. Seward Webb IV & Karen Webb

Derick Webb*

J. Watson Webb, Jr.*

Lila Webb & Jeff Beerworth

Killian O. Webb*

Daniel J.* & Carol Shiner Wilson

+ Charitable gift annuity managed by the Vermont Community Foundation

* Deceased


Sue Dixon

Legacy Circle Questions?

Please contact Sue Dixon at, or call 802-985-0322 if you have included Shelburne Farms in your estate plans so that we may thank you and welcome you to our Legacy Circle.

If have any questions about out Legacy Circle, or if we have inadvertently misspelled or omitted your name(s), please let Sue know. Thank you!