Enjoy a stroll through this exceptional and beautiful example of an American garden
Tucked on a bluff overlooking Lake Champlain, these gardens were the life-long passion and work of their creator, Lila Webb, who reinvented and expanded them from 1898 until her death in 1936. Today, after extensive restoration, they stand as an exceptional and beautiful example of an American garden, open to the public to stroll through and enjoy.
The Flower Gardens are accessible via:
- Our Walking Trails
- With a Campus Drive-through Pass
- Through seasonal guided tours (See Our Calendar).
Note: The Flower Gardens at the Inn are terraced and involve stairs.
Discover More About the Gardens

If you want to learn more about the gardens, you can order your copy of "The Formal Gardens at Shelburne Farms," written and photographed by Glenn Suokko with an introduction from Shelburne Farms President Alec Webb. Published July 2020.