Dive into the essential questions of Education for Sustainability and deepen your practice in designing learning for a sustainable future

July 22–24, 2025

Building on essential understandings from our Foundations in Education for Sustainability course, Immersion in Education for Sustainability (EFS) allows us time to expand our thinking about what it means to be an educator for sustainability.

With colleagues from across the country, we’ll explore the intersection of what we teach and how we teach guided by sustainability concepts and principles including equity and environmental justice. We'll ground ourselves in an understanding of place and build our collective understanding and capacity to advance sustainability through our teaching and learning practices. With time on the Land, we’ll connect and reflect on social-ecological relationships and bring that wisdom into our work.

This professional learning program is best suited for practicing preK-12 educators, though all types of educators are welcome. Prior participation in Foundations in EFS or similar background knowledge is recommended.

Offered with the University of Vermont.

How to Register

Immersion is typically offered once each summer at Shelburne Farms in Shelburne, Vermont. Join our mailing list to hear when registration opens for the next offering of Immersion.

  • Participant fee: $450. Includes course fee plus daily light breakfast and lunch. Scholarships may be available for this fee on a need-based scale. Fee does not include accommodations, travel, and graduate credit.
  • Optional accommodation fee: $75.00 per night double occupancy room (+10% tax on lodging). $125.00 per night single occupancy room (+10% tax on lodging). Accommodations are on a first come, first served basis. 
  • Optional 3 graduate credits for an additional fee: $705 for Vermont residents, $900 out-of-state residents. Contact hours: 26. Additional course hours are required for graduate credit and will take place online July 1, 3, 15, and 17; and August 5 and 7.

What You'll Learn

We design the program’s agenda to align with your specific learning goals and teaching contexts. We’ll provide opportunities to:

  • Work collectively with a network of educators and leaders—within this course and in your own setting—to shift systems to wholeness, equity, and joy.
  • Reflect on identity and place and how it informs our designs for learning.
  • Design place-based EFS projects/curricula that incorporate opportunities for student voice.
  • Reflect on your sustainability and pedagogical values, and self-assess your values in relation to EFS key competencies.
  • Practice leadership skills for personal transformation and collaborative changemaking.

What Participants Say

The Immersion experience was my introduction to EFS. My background was in environmental education and nature-based learning, but the social justice and economic vitality components of sustainability were new to me. Without this Immersion course, I would have been sorely unaware of the basic concepts of the integrated nature of sustainability. This course gave me access to a network of educators and resources that helped establish a foundation from which I was able to launch into the EFS world.

  • Andrea Estey

    Join colleagues for a weekend retreat at Shelburne Farms.

  • Andy Duback

    Reflect, learn, and collaborate with a group of teacher colleagues from across the country and globe.

  • Andrea Estey

    You'll design and create EFS projects with student voice and community relevancy.

  • Andrea Estey

    Engage with a network of educators and leaders.

Aerial view of the University of Vermont campus in springtime. Large towering buildings stand in foreground with grassy school green in middleground. Rolling hills stand in background.
UVM Spatial Analysis Lab

Our Partnership with the University of Vermont

Shelburne Farms Institute for Sustainable Schools and the University of Vermont share a belief in the transformative power of education to shape a healthier, more sustainable future. Our programs combine the Institute’s international reputation for EFS professional learning and unique campus with UVM’s research capacity, land-grant mission, and track record of high-quality teacher education. As a student, you’ll have the opportunity to tap into the resources, support, and knowledge of both institutions.

Create Your Learning Pathway

Immersion is designed for those who already have a strong foundation in Education for Sustainability. We recommend following this sequence of EFS-focused courses:

  1. First, Foundations in EFS;
  2. Second, Immersion in EFS; and
  3. Third, EFS Leadership Academy.

Interested in graduate credit? Take all of these classes within the Education for Sustainability Graduate Certificate.

Request Information

Start a conversation with Director of Professional Learning Jen Cirillo at jcirillo@shelburnefarms.org or 802-985-0315 to talk about our programs and available graduate credits. Or, complete our request for information form and someone will be in touch.
