A summer of Farm-to-Table dining means a winter of garden planning. A recent meeting of our garden, chef, and store teams reveals all that's behind sharing fresh, sustainable, farm-grown food.
Our cheddar and farm products offer something for everyone's holiday table and gift list!
Middle and high school aged students gathered at the Coach Barn to launch year-long projects focused on UN Sustainable Development Goals.
At the close of the season, the aging and dying trees along Poplar Drive will be taken down. New trees will be planted in their stead.
There is a totem behind the Farm Barn. Find out what it is and what it symbolizes from guest blogger Chief Don Stevens.
We’re excited to get behind the work of Lawn to Lake, a partnership of organizations devoted to water quality protection in Lake Champlain and its watershed.
As fall and winter close in, look back at the joy of summer, and the fun and discovery shared by our more than 600 campers.
The hoop barn at the Dairy just got a roof lift! At 19 years old, the original roof was ready for a replacement.
It's a rare batch of cheese that makes it to a four-year cheddar. Find out what it takes to make the grade.
School nutrition professionals gathered with Vermont FEED to consider how to feed students nourishing meals on a budget — that they will actually eat.