The transformation of the Coach Barn has begun! Find out what major work has been occurring since August to renew the building as a space for gathering and learning.
While some things lie dormant in cold weather, education hasn’t stopped for Shelburne Farms.
Shelburne Farms volunteer Shirley Murray, who died late in 2021, spent 17 years transcribing the journals of Lila Webb, leaving a legacy for us all.
You're invited to join our community of learners and find support with the Institute for Sustainable Schools.
Did you know that Shelburne Farms has a flock of 60 sheep? But how do you get from a white woolly sheep to a warm, cozy sweater?
Watch our Children's Farmyard flock get sheared and learn about the equipment and process!
Food holds a lot of power, and it holds a lot of opportunity for us early childhood educators to help set attitudes for life.
Enjoy a peaceful moment to unwind and reflect with our herd of Brown Swiss cows.
In another year disrupted by covid, we have served students and educators, fed our community, and welcomed visitors and friends. See a glimpse in photos.
A classic recipe from Cooking with Shelburne Farms by Melissa Pasanen and Rick Gencarelli (a former head chef at the Inn) featuring our pasture-raised lamb and cheddar.